Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So, this is it

This is my classroom for the next two semesters.  Comfy, right? 
Bare feet, television (hi claudia!), sitting on the couch, sounds like a dream. Right?
Please, tell me I'm dreaming... 

Unfortunately , I am not feeling so great about it.

When I went back to school 18 months ago (has it really only been 18 months?!) I realized for the first time that I actually liked school.  I was getting together with other grownups, albeit mostly female grownups, discussing things that actually mattered to me, learning stuff, and finding innumerable ways to help each other get through this "oh my god, what was I thinking going back to school?!?!?". 
(I am speaking for myself. Perhaps everyone else wasn't so freaked out?)

We were all in the same boat, though some of us had been in it longer than others, finally going back to school, focused on our goals.  We all talked about when we would graduate and how excited we were about starting our new careers.  Then, at the end of the spring semester we realized that our program was going on-line.  We will not be together in a classroom when the end of our undergrad undertaking arrives, we will be in our living rooms, divided by too many miles.  We have vowed to keep in touch, and to get together when we can.  The truth is, all the facebooking and texting, the random phone calls, even working together in on-line classes will NEVER compare to the times we all schlepped our way to Amherst, exhausted from long days at our for-now jobs, and became closer than you would think a group of grown-up girls could.

What should have ended with a bang, feels more like limping into the home stretch.

Steph, Bridget, Liz and Liz, Jamie and Jaime, Jenn, Cindy and Christophe,
and Karen (who am i supposed to be mean to now?)  I miss all of you already.


  1. Heather,

    Holy shit! (may I swear on your blog?)Your thoughts are beautifully articulated and ironically, EXACTLY how I feel about the on line classes.

    I'll be honest with you, I NEVER EVER thought we'd be such good friends. We are such an eclectic group with different backgrounds and personalities. But in the end, I think those quirky traits is what connected us all together. That, and as you said, "Oh my God, what was I thinking going back to school?!"

    You're a very talented writer! Promise me you'll remember us little people when you become a famous author!


  2. Yo...

    You finally have your blog (I say finally because I feel like you've always wanted one...?Or am I making that up?). I feel the same way that you do about all of it...I can't believe that we all became such good friends either. I miss you ladies too and finishing my degree this fall doesn't seem right without any of you in my classes!

    On that note, I will definitely be checking back to this for more insight into the thinking of Heather Otto...

    'Til then..
